Constitutive equations for cyclic plasticity and cyclic viscoplasticity. on Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials (1983). Google Scholar. Germain et al., 1983. P. Germain, Q.S. Nguyen, P. Suquet. Continuum Thermodynamics. J


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Constitutive equations for cyclic plasticity and cyclic viscoplasticity

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Constitutive equations for cyclic plasticity and cyclic viscoplasticity. on Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials (1983). Google Scholar. Germain et al., 1983. P. Germain, Q.S. Nguyen, P. Suquet. Continuum Thermodynamics. J , Constitutive laws for engineering materials, with emphasis on , Constitutive laws for engineering materials, with emphasis on

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Constitutive laws for engineering materials: With emphasis on

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